

有時番到屋企好亂, 真係有問過KAKA係咪開完PARTY黎架!!

明天倫敦PRIMROSE HILL都有狗狗活動, 詳情如下:

*PupAid 2013 Fun Dog Show & E-Petition*

Are you in London on Saturday the 7th September?

Why not join PupAid in Primrose Hill for their Fun Dog Show! This very special day will give you, the dog-loving public, the golden opportunity to help raise awareness about the UK's cruel puppy farming trade by attending this amazing celebrity judged fun dog show!

PupAid have made a brilliantly fun 'Crazy Puppy Party' video which you can see here: http://youtu.be/CvK-kV2e2FQ

Don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends!

How can you help?

That’s easy – PupAid need to get 100,000 signatures on their government e-petition to make sure cruel puppy + kitten farming is discussed in Parliament ASAP.

YOU can sign the petition here 又或者到: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/49528 --- 聯署反對寵物繁殖場!

For more information on PupAid and the all important details for this Saturdays event visit: www.pupaid.org

6 則留言:

  1. 我都支持的, 今日新聞有講, D衰人賣狗換遊戲機或電話!

  2. 回覆
    1. 有COCKTAILS又有PARTY FOOD!!! 睇見都開心~!!!

  3. 個Video笑C我!會唔會有日你返屋企見到Kaka開緊party?Hahaha

    1. 之前KAKA細個D時...有時我襯冇人在家就會喺玩具箱度拎番D玩具出黎玩...係拎唒呀~~一地都係~!!!!到到我收到電費單時又好貴...同事都話唔明點解我地2人1狗可以咁貴...可能就係KAKA成日搵朋友番黎開PARTY~~>_<
